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Modern Role Of the Revolver

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 39 Issue: 10 Dated: (October 1991) Pages: 30-35
E Sanow
Date Published
6 pages
While many police agencies are beginning to use semi-automatic pistols, others have decided to keep the older, double-action revolver. An informal survey of several police agencies nationwide revealed some of the reasons why departments favor the revolver and how they decide to change tactics, equipment, and training.
While most agencies have switched to a semi-automatic pistol to get more ammunition capacity before a reload, other agencies feel the revolver holds enough ammunition. In any case, the ammunition capacity can be compensated for by carrying a backup weapon or adopting speedloaders. Officers also need to be trained to reload from behind full cover. Despite the perception that police are facing better-armed adversaries, this author maintains that the real problem is the increase in the number of people with guns. Adopting a semi-automatic weapon does not increase shooting accuracy as much as better training will. Reasons cited for keeping the revolver are that it is easier to maintain, simpler to use under stress, fast enough to reload, holds enough ammunition, and is less likely to accidentally discharge.


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