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Monitoring Community Alternatives to Custody and Care - A Guide for Projects Funded Under the DHSS Intermediate Treatment Initiative

NCJ Number
G Robinson; H Edwards; G Hill; T Locke; J Lyons
Date Published
48 pages
This guide for monitoring British juvenile intermediate treatment programs focuses on information collection and use as well as overall project evaluation.
The introduction considers negotiating a commitment to monitoring and evaluation, the purposes of monitoring and evaluation, monitoring guidelines, and monitoring system design. The guide then describes a monitoring records system which provides the information required for both daily operations and monitoring. A chapter addresses data collection pertinent to the project's impact on the larger juvenile justice system, namely, court sentencing, interagency cooperation, and the transfer of resources. A chapter explains how project records and court sentencing records can be used to monitor project performance regularly. Suggestions are offered for collating, interpreting, and presenting the information. The final chapter outlines an overall evaluation of a project's effectiveness in reducing custody and in achieving other specified project goals. Appendixes discuss ethnic monitoring and the use of computers in monitoring. Sample forms are also appended.