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Moving Towards Consensus: The First Draft of an Evaluative Instrumental Grid to Interpret Shoe Wear Patterns

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Identification Volume: 49 Issue: 2 Dated: March/April 1999 Pages: 142-173
Wesley Vernon; Anne Parry; Mike Potter
Date Published
32 pages
In a first round pilot Delphi study of podiatrist experiences in analyzing shoe wear marks, considerable lack of agreement was noted among participants and a second Delphi round was conducted.
Information received in Round 1 was presented again to participants in a Delphi Round 2 questionnaire. Podiatrists were asked to associate shoe wear patterns and wear pattern components with conditions that occurred in Round 1. Consensual agreement was sought regarding specific aspects of Round 1 data for which Round 2 questionnaire sections were planned. Round 2 results showed a moderate move toward consensus among podiatrists in the context of overall shoe wear interpretation. When chosen shoe wear patterns were examined more closely, however, hidden agreements were found with respect to specific areas of shoe wear--focal points from which shoe wear spread. These focal points were diagrammatically represented on a drawing of a shoe outsole, with identifying numbers ascribed to each point. When this analytical grid was used on depictions of shoe wear patterns chosen by second round respondents, location codes were specific for conditions to which shoe wear related. The authors conclude that the preliminary grid may form the basis of the first measuring device capable of translating and giving meaning to shoe wear marks and recommend a third Delphi round. 6 references, 4 tables, and 5 graphs