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Moving On: Young People and Substance Abuse

NCJ Number
Youth Studies Australia Volume: 28 Issue: 4 Dated: December 2009 Pages: 35-43
Kathryn Daley; Chris Chamberlain
Date Published
December 2009
9 pages
This study examined Australian young people's transition from recreational drug use to substance abuse.
Results found a variety of structural factors that help explain young people's transition to substance abuse. These include: involvement with the state care and protection system, growing up in environments where substance use was either acceptable or encouraged, leaving school early, and homelessness. By the time the young people were involved with Youth Substance Abuse Service (YSAS), it was difficult for them to reintegrate into the community. Family breakdown, parental substance abuse, homelessness, and neglect had stymied the usual path of social development. Most young people had left school early and had no formal qualifications. All were unemployed and most lacked any meaningful assistance from parents. These young people needed intensive and flexible support to assist them in shifting from the margins. Data were collected from 12 in-depth interviews with young people who had experienced problematic substance use; 14 Alcohol and other drug (AOD) outreach workers provided supplemental aggregated data on 111 young people. Table and references