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National Assessment of Adult Restitution Programs - Supplemental Report - An Approach to Future Evaluation

NCJ Number
Date Published
22 pages
A recommended research approach for the evaluation of community service and financial restitution programs is presented.
The first section describes the research approach used in the national assessment for collecting data on operations of the 20 financial restitution and community service projects included in the study sample. A distinction is then made between evaluation research conducted for summative and for formative purposes. Summative research is distinguished as assessment of program outcomes and formative evaluation is defined as the generation of information about program process used as feedback to improve program operations. It is recommended that initial evaluation efforts be formative. The rationale for this recommendation is developed and the likely benefits suggested. The synthesized program models generated from the sample of 20 community service and financial restitution projects are then briefly described. The models conceptually depict program inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes. It is advised that researchers currently should use these models as a basis for structuring and collecting data. The concluding section examines the issues and suggested measures to be considered in conducting formative research on community service and financial restitution programs. Outcome evaluation designs would follow the formative evaluation approach suggested. Diagrams are included. (Author summary modified)