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National Commission Against Drunk Driving - A Progress Report on the Implementation of Recommendations by the Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving

NCJ Number
Date Published
23 pages
This report assesses progress made by the States in implementing recommendations of the Presidential Commission Against Drunk Driving presented in 1983.
Findings were based on a survey of the Governor's Highway Safety Representatives in May and August of 1985. The survey focused on State progress in 10 areas covered in the commission's recommendations: public awareness, public education, private sector efforts, alcoholic beverage regulation, systems support, enforcement, prosecution, adjudication, licensing administration, and education and treatment. Some States are more progressive than others in implementing comprehensive drunk driving programs. Even the most progressive States, however, have not implemented all the components of an effective program. Many State efforts are fragmented, short-term, or one-time programs. Current, accurate, records systems with all alcohol-related convictions is a key missing ingredient in State programs. Overall, the progress to date is encouraging, if not in numbers and percentages, in new attitudes and behaviors. 10 references and an 11-item bibliography.