Presentations demonstrated how various sectors of the criminal justice system can successfully interact to solve mutual problems and the behavioral and psychological consequences of becoming a prisoner or a prison guard. They discussed the relationship between the criminal justice system and the third world community and the important role of judges in advancing the development of pretrial programs. They reviewed initial work done by the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies to develop national standards and goals for pretrial service programs, explored the applicability of existing pretrial services to the juvenile population, and emphasized the importance of the presumption of innocence in all pretrial activities. Other sessions focused on decisionmaking, juvenile diversion, research techniques, and ways to improve the quantity and quality of pretrial release and diversion programs. Lists of conference participants and committees are included.
National Conference on Pretrial Release and Diversion - Final Report
NCJ Number
Date Published
126 pages
The report presents a summary of conference proceedings, an evaluation of the various activities comprising the conference, and recommendations concerning the development of future national conferences.