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National Crime Victim Assistance Program - National Sheriffs' Association 1985 Crime Victim's Week Information Package

NCJ Number
Date Published
23 pages
This information package for sheriffs supplies victimization information and suggested activities for the 1985 Crime Victim's Week, which is designed to promote victim services.
Information covers demographic characteristics of crime victims, the physical and psychological consequences of victimization, and specific victim needs. A listing of Federal efforts on crime victims' behalf includes establishment of the President's Task Force on Victims of Crime and the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs in the Department of Justice. State-level actions include victim compensation programs, the use of victim impact statements, and bills spe specifying victims' rights. Suggested activities for the 1985 Crime Victim's Week include an assessment of victims' needs and services in the country; development of a public policy statement, news release, and a proclamation; and the use of a 1-day conference focusing on victim and witness needs. Sample materials are a public policy statement, a news release, a broadcast, a proclamation, public service announcements, and conference agendas. The National Sheriffs' Association Victim Witness Program is briefly described.