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National Criminal Justice Thesaurus 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
518 pages
This thesaurus contains a listing of the terms used to index the literature in the National Institute of Justice/NCJRS document database.
The thesaurus contains more than 6,000 terms and more than 34,000 cross-references. The NCJRS document collection consists of more than 118,000 books, articles, and reports dealing with criminal justice issues. Term selection in the thesaurus is based on the vocabulary used in the documents entered on the NCJRS database, on the frequency of term usage in the literature, and on the language of the user community. The 5-digit number assigned to each term is used as a descriptor code when searching on that term. The entries include scope notes, other words or phrases for which the particular term is used, broader terms, narrower terms, and related terms. Lists of geographic and organizational descriptors and an index designed for quick reference based on specific words are also included.