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National Cross-Site Evaluation of High-Risk Youth Programs, Findings on Designing and Implementing Effective Prevention Programs for Youth at High Risk: Monograph Series No. 3

NCJ Number
Jack Hermann Ph.D.; Soledad Sambrano Ph.D.; J. Fred Springer Ph.D.; Mary Nistler MPPA; Elizabeth Sale Ph.D.
Date Published
January 2002
39 pages
Part of the series “Points of Prevention,” this monograph highlights the design and methodology of the National Cross-Site Evaluation of High Risk Youth Programs study.
The third monograph in the series “Points of Prevention,” this report from the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, discusses the design and methodology of the National Cross-Site Evaluation of High Risk Youth Programs research. After discussing the issue of substance abuse and the goals of the study, this report details the National Cross-Site Evaluation, itself. After briefly describing various measurements that are used to determine program effectiveness, this document elaborates on substance abuse programs’ characteristics, effects, setting, and implementation. Through a presentation of charts and graphs, this report presents its findings on substance abuse program content, delivery method, coherence, contact with youth, and service settings. This study found that program content is critical to improving adolescent behaviors and that programs with strong life-skills content were more effective than programming that emphasized providing general information about cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs. 1 Table, 23 figures,9 references