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National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center: Quarterly Summary

NCJ Number
Corrections Quarterly Summary Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Dated: (1989) Pages: complete issue
Date Published
10 pages
This report summarizes developments in the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) during the third quarter of 1989.
Twenty-six agencies under the jurisdiction of the NIC reported changes in system capacity during the reporting period; 24 of these agencies had net increases in bedspace. The section on litigation outlines cases filed and cases settled. Some of the pertinent legislation highlighted here covers AIDS, inmate industries, privatization, eligibility for boot camp, substance abuse programming, and community corrections. A discussion of agency policies related to using prison inmates to fight forest fires reveals that 19 of the responding agencies reported using inmates as firefighters. In all of the agencies, except Canada, the inmates' eligibility to participate in firefighting programs is based on their security classifications. In Tennessee, inmates must also pass a physical examination. Nearly all the States provide some training for inmate firefighters, usually provided by forestry officials or fire prevention and control agencies or academies. This report contains a section on AIDS-related information in corrections. Two publications for corrections managers are briefly reviewed.