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NCIC Overview

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
This instructional video tape and accompanying video facilitator guide provide law enforcement and criminal justice personnel with basic knowledge of National Crime Information Center (NCIC) policy and procedures. Expertise in NCIC operations will result in more efficient and effective criminal justice operations, help reduce liability, and assist in creating a safer environment for the entire criminal justice community.
NCIC is a computerized index of documented criminal justice information available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. NCIC has 13 files of documented criminal justice information. The FBI manages NCIC at the national level by working directly with an Advisory Policy Board composed of 30 criminal justice professionals from throughout the United States. The system is divided into four regions, each represented by a regional working group. The most crucial step for law enforcement is to enter information as soon as it is available. This can be instrumental in solving a crime or protecting an officer. Failure to enter information immediately can have tragic consequences. Your department has a designated Terminal Agency Coordinator. If you have any suggestions or questions, contact your TAC.