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Nebraska Crime Victim's Reparations Program: Thirteenth Report, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2000
36 pages
The purpose of the Nebraska Crime Victim's Reparations (CVR) Act, passed in 1978, is to assist crime victims with medical expenses, mental health counseling, loss of wages and earning power, funeral bills, and other expenses directly related to the criminal act.
The Nebraska Crime Commission is responsible for administering the CVR program. The CVR program is funded through general fund appropriations, Federal compensation funds, and 5 percent of inmate wages from federally certified correctional industry programs. Procedures involved in processing claims for victim compensation are described. A statistical summary of the program is provided that contains data on the budget, claim actions and awards, claims by victim age and by crime type, claims by victim employment status, and claims by legislative district. Additional information is included on State laws dealing with crime victim reparations and assistance for crime victims and witnesses. 7 tables


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