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Nebraska Department of Correctional Services FY 98 Adult Statistical Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
119 pages
This report provides Nebraska statistics on adult inmates, admissions to Department of Correctional Services (DCS), releases from DCS, releases to parole, releases to community corrections, parole discharges, parole revocations, and recidivism.
The average adult monthly population for correctional facilities is shown for each year from FY 1988 through FY 1998. The total incarcerated for FY 1988 was 1,995, and the total incarcerated in FY 1998 was 3,337. Adult parole in FY 1988 was 452, compared with 605 for FY 1998. Data on adult female and male population as of June 1998 covers record center, admission type, race, current age, commitment area, most serious offense category, minimum sentence, maximum sentence, length of stay, current custody, current age, and length of stay in months. Data for adults on parole cover admission type, sex, race, current age, commitment area, most serious offense category, minimum sentence, maximum sentence, length of stay in institution, length of stay on parole in months, current age, length of stay in institutions in month, and length of stay on parole in months. Data on admissions to DCS encompass revocations and new admissions, new sentenced admissions, evaluators, and safekeepers. Data on releases from DCS address sentenced releases, and evaluator and safekeeper releases. Other data address releases to parole, releases to community corrections, parole discharges, parole revocations, and recidivism statistics for FY 1986 through FY 1993. Extensive tabular data