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Needs and Concerns of Probationers - An Analysis of Questionnaires

NCJ Number
J J Gibbs
Date Published
129 pages
Analyses of questionnaires administered to 125 probationers examine probationers' needs and concerns.
The questionnaire, which consisted of about 20 pages and contained 8 instruments, was administered to probationers in Morris County, N.J. The Probationer Concern Inventory (PCI) consists of 45 comparisons by pairs intended to measure the probationers' need for clarity, flexibility, assistance, control, support, and autonomy. A self-administered version of the Self-Anchor Striving Scale was used to measure the subject's position relative to self-generated concerns. The Perception of Probation Officer Scale required that the subject rank order a number of descriptive phrases according to which best described his probation officer. The probation officer descriptions were intended to reflect the PCI dimensions. The Perception of Treatment Scale presented the subject with a number of descriptive terms ranging from 'adult human being' to 'animal' and requested that the subject rank the terms in relation to the treatment received from his probation agent. The Probation Officer Role instrument required that the subject choose from among a number of role descriptions for his probation officer. The Severity Scale instructed the subject to choose from a series of hypothetical dispositions. This measured the perceived severity of probation by comparing it to different levels of confinement and a fine. An Integrity of Treatment instrument consisting of 21 multiple-choice questions was developed to measure perceived variation in the number and length of contacts during the probation period. The Characteristics of the Respondent questionnaire was designed to collect demographic, confinement, history, addiction, and treatment information. Tabular data are provided, and instruments are appended. For other reports in this series, see NCJ 81216-21 and NCJ 81223-24. (Author abstract modified)


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