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Neighborhood Watch Program Guide

NCJ Number
B A Twyman
Date Published
24 pages
Intended for community leaders and law enforcement officials who wish to initiate a Neighborhood Watch Program or strengthen an existing one, this booklet provides guidelines for planning, organizing, and maintaining a watch program.
Benefits of a watch program are outlined as the prevention of residential crime, greater crime awareness, enhanced reporting of suspicious activities, a warning to criminals, promotion of neighborliness, access to crime data, and an increase in arrests and convictions. Guidelines for planning a watch program address the nature and functions of the planning committee, a neighborhood victimization survey, and a neighborhood watch meeting. Organizational considerations encompass the neighborhood watch committee, coordinator's responsibilities, block captain's responsibilities, law enforcement agency's role, types of neighborhood watch programs, program elements, and meetings and training sessions. Program evaluation is briefly discussed, and a sample evaluation data form is provided. Overall, the booklet emphasizes cooperation and coordination between the watch leadership and law enforcement but citizens' ownership of their watch program.