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Network Simulation Model for Police Patrol Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement Analysis

NCJ Number
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Dated: (1982) Pages: 191-196
L P Rees; E R Clayton; B W Taylor
Date Published
4 pages
This paper develops and demonstrates a simulation model for police patrol vehicle replacement and maintenance analysis.
The model encompasses a Markov-type framework of state movements in which the states represent the various stages of the patrol vehicle's life, from new to inoperable. The model is developed in the form of a Q-Gert network with probabilistic transition times and an embedded repair queue. The simulation results relate directly to key urban planning variables, including the expected number of patrol vehicles to be purchased each month to maintain a desired patrol force, the expected life of vehicles, the size of the motor pool repair facility, and the number of vehicles in each state of deterioration. A case example of an urban patrol fleet of 100 vehicles is provided. 19 references. (Author abstract modified)


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