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New South Wales Criminal Courts Statistics 1997

NCJ Number
Date Published
124 pages
This report provides statistical data on all criminal matters processed by New South Wales (Australia) local, district, and supreme courts in 1997 and in children's courts in 1996-97.
Statistics for New South Wales local courts address the persons charged, the offenses charged, dispositions, sentences, and duration of proceedings. Separate tables are provided for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander defendants. Juveniles aged 10 to 17 years who allegedly offend against the criminal laws may be brought before the children's courts or may be dealt with by a system of formal police cautions; this report deals only with court appearances. Tables pertinent to the children's courts cover trends in appearances for criminal matters before the children's courts, 1991/92 to 1996/97; trends in offenses for the same period; trends in outcomes for this period; charges for 1996/97; appearances and offenses for drug matters, 1996/97; and persons appearing before the court. Statistics for New South Wales higher courts address trial and sentence cases registered and finalized; trial and sentence cases finalized and persons charged; persons charged and charges in trial and sentence cases; dispositions; sentences; duration of proceedings; and appeals. Appended notes on penalties, penalty hierarchy for principal offense, and district courts in registry regions


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