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New York State Criminal Justice Processing, 1982, Volume 1 Definitions and Technical Specifications, December 31, 1984

NCJ Number
T J Harig
Date Published
39 pages
This volume contains definitions and technical specifications pertinent to a study of the characteristics and processing of New York State adult felony arrestees disposed in 1982.
The review of study technical specifications covers data sources, study population, unit of count, missing data, and the magnitude of observed relationships. One data source described is the Computerized Criminal History/Offender-Based Transaction Statistics (CCH/OBTS) data system, which contains data collected from various agency sources to track each offender through the criminal justice system. The other study data source, a supplement to the CCH/OBTS, is the Indictment Statistical System, which contains information on the processing of New York State indictments and felony prosecutions. The study population described consisted of 116,552 cases initiated between January 1, l973, and December 31, 1982, and disposed during calendar year 1982. The unit of count, the 'arrest event,' is described in detail, followed by a discussion of the validity of the CCH/OBTS data compared to an arrest-based file of all cases without regard to missing dispositions. Appendixes contain discussions of the validity of the OBTS data and the selection of charge and disposition for analysis. Data forms used in the study are provided. For related volumes, see NCJ 98806-07.