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Newark Fear Reduction Program Update, 1984

NCJ Number
Date Published
157 pages
This report details the first 9 months of implementation of the program operated by the Newark Police Department (New Jersey) to reduce fear of crime through the cooperative efforts of all parts of the community.
The program began in September 1983. All the significant branches of the city government have made commitments to specific parts of the program. The program has six main elements. A newsletter has established a line of communication between law enforcement and neighborhood residents. Six newsletters have been distributed in two of five target areas. A directed patrol task force has concentrated on dispersing groups of disorderly persons, making roadway checks of vehicles, and conducting other innovative efforts to increase the visibility of the police in the community. The Community Service Center is a storefront that has served as a meeting place for 45 meetings attended by more than 700 people. The neighborhood cleanup program involves both community service by juvenile offenders and a commitment by the city government to make specific efforts. The Directed Police-Citizen contact program has involved 1,149 contacts initiated by the police. The Self-Esteem Enhancement Program has involved many recreational activities, including weekly disco dances at target area schools. Copies of newsletters, guidelines for specific programs, maps, and memoranda.