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North Carolina Sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission Structured Sentencing Monitoring System Report on Misdemeanors: Fiscal Year July 1996 Through June 1997

NCJ Number
D Meagher; K B Herrin; S Katzenelson
Date Published
30 pages
This report contains detailed information about misdemeanor offenders sentenced under North Carolina's Structured Sentencing during fiscal year 1996-97 (July 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997).
The report covers only cases in which an offender was convicted and sentenced for a misdemeanor offense committed on or after October 1, 1994--the effective date of Structured Sentencing. The report describes the number of convictions by month, offense class and prior conviction level; demographic characteristics of offenders; types of punishment imposed and average sentence lengths; types of intermediate and community punishments imposed; hours of community service ordered; and number of offenders ordered to pay restitution. There were 155,517 misdemeanor convictions under Structured Sentencing. Of all offenders who received a community punishment, 60.5 percent received unsupervised probation, 27 percent received supervised probation, and 12.5 percent were ordered to pay restitution and/or a fine as their most serious punishment. Notes, figures, tables, appendixes


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