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Notifiable Offenses Recorded by the Police in England and Wales -- Third Quarter 1990

NCJ Number
Date Published
10 pages
Of 4.3 million notifiable offenses recorded during the 12 months ending September 1990 in England and Wales, 94 percent involved crimes against property and 6 percent were crimes against the person.
More than half the 14-percent increase of 548,000 offenses during the 12 months were due to increased thefts, especially car thefts. Recorded crime increased in all but one police force area, but there was a relatively small rise in violent crime. There was an increase of 10 percent in crime for metropolitan areas and 18 percent for nonmetropolitan areas. Burglaries were up 17 percent, and the increase was greater for nonresidential burglary than for residential burglary. Sexual offenses rose by 1 percent, while robberies increased by 8 percent. The propensity of the public to report offenses to the police was influenced by insurance requirements for filing claims. 5 notes, 5 tables, and 5 figures


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