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NTSU (North Texas State University) Focuses on Crime Prevention, Not Detection

NCJ Number
Campus Law Enforcement Journal Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Dated: (May-June 1988) Pages: 37-38
S E Jackson
Date Published
2 pages
North Texas State University (NTSU) has reduced campus crime through improved lighting, the installation of a campus emergency telephone system, and the development of the Public Service Officer Program.
During the 1970's NTSU experienced a number of serious crimes annually, and crime patterns on campus were similar to those in the community. NTSU developed a number of programs to reduce campus crime. The installation of 22 high mast lights on campus has virtually eliminated reported rapes on campus. Twelve emergency telephones have been installed on campus to facilitate help for persons in need. The user picks up the phone and is immediately in contact with the dispatcher. Probably the most important crime prevention program is the Public Service Officer Program. Public service officers are student employees who operate the evening escort system, perform security patrols in residence halls and the primary campus, provide motorist assistance, enforce parking regulations, turn off lights, note equipment left operating, and lock unsecured buildings. This frees professional security officers for law enforcement duties and surveillance. Currently, the police department is working on a crime prevention program that targets students who live off campus.


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