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NCJ Number
Date Published
88 pages
The 1991 annual report of the Office of the Ombudsman in New Brunswick, Canada, provides information and statistics on the number of complaints processed by the office during the year and actions taken to address certain complaints.
The Office of the Ombudsman received 3,415 complaints and requests for assistance during 1991, an increase of 12.1 percent over the previous year. The office received 1,737 complaints against the provincial government and city, town, and village governments. This represented an increase of 123 complaints (7.6 percent) over 1990. The office received 8 petitions to review ministerial refusals to release information under the Right to Information Act and 11 requests to review refusals by the Minister of Health and Community Services to release adoption information under the Family Services Act. The Office received 78 complaints with respect to the administration of the Official Languages Act. The New Brunswick government implemented or intensified its review of the following areas: regulation of the harmful environmental effects of blasting activities; establishment of a mentally disabled persons advocacy program; implementation of adequate Cemetery Companies Act regulations; establishment of fair programs and procedures for inmates by the Department of Solicitor General; establishment of fair eviction and foreclosure procedures by the former New Brunswick Housing Corporation; and enactment of administrative procedures legislation. The office investigated a complaint lodged on behalf of 3,252 mostly elderly persons of limited means who suffered severe financial loss following the collapse of First Investors Corporation. Appendixes contain complaint summaries and statistical tables. Excerpts from the Ombudsman Act and the Right to Information Act are also provided.