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Office for Victims of Crime Questions and Answers

NCJ Number
Date Published
90 pages
This manual presents questions and answers about Federal programs and assistance for victims of Federal crime in general and for victims of specific crimes.
Questions on the Federal Crime Victims Fund pertain to its establishment, its funding limits, the percentage breakdown of the fund's revenue sources, the proportion of the Fund that has been collected by U.S. attorneys, and how the various programs under the Crime Victims Fund serve victims of Federal crime. Questions on the Victims of Crime Act compensation program are related to the nature of crime victim compensation, types of crime for which compensation may be awarded, who may receive crime victim compensation, the basis for denying compensation, and the average amount of a claim paid to a victim of a violent crime. Questions and answers on other Federal victim-related laws and services address victim assistance, criminal justice system reform, notoriety-for-profit laws, victim allocution, funding sources for victim services, and professional standards for victim services. Questions and answers on Federal victim services for particular types of offenses focus on violence against women, stalking, gun control, hate crimes, children who sexually assault other children, and sexual assaults that involve military personnel. Other topics for which questions and answers are provided are crime prevention, the special needs of child victims, exclusionary rule reform, HIV testing, responsibilities and priorities for the director of the Office for Victims of Crime, demographics for services to crime victims, joint efforts to serve crime victims, and reform of the Victims of Crime Act.


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