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Oiling the Wheels of Justice - Delay Reduction in Kansas

NCJ Number
State Court Journal Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: (Spring 1984) Pages: 20-30
H P Schwartz
Date Published
11 pages
The Kansas program to reduce court delay, instituted in 1980, includes the setting of time standards, the commitment of the State Supreme Court to delay reduction, the use of a management information system, and case management by judges.
Recognizing that the judicial system must be flexible in accommodating differences in the complexity of cases and between urban and rural courts, the Kansas Supreme Court adopted time standards as guidelines rather than requirements for the disposition of cases. An examination of case processing times after the adoption of the standards shows significant improvement in the speed of case processing. Perhaps the most significant factor in the development and continuance of the delay-reduction program is the ongoing commitment and leadership of the Supreme Court, which has heightened the interest of trial judges and court employees. Another significant factor in the success of the delay-reduction program is the use of an information system that permits courts to identify cases that are at variance with the time standards as well as permitting a continuing evaluation of the system as a whole. Further, the program requires active case management by judges. This includes early and continuous control of the court calendar, the identification of cases subject to alternative dispute resolution process, the development of rational and effective trial-setting policies, the application of a firm continuance policy, and priority given to older cases in trial settings. A total of 41 footnotes are listed.


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