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OJJDP News @ a Glance, May/June 2006

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2006
0 pages
This newsletter presents brief news reports from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP).

On May 23 and June 6, 2006, OJJDP and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services hosted two-part Webcast and satellite broadcasts on gang prevention that featured gang specialists from law enforcement, community, and faith-based organizations. OJJDP’s Gang Reduction Program is briefly described and an online Community Guide to Helping America’s Youth is identified. The HAY Initiative is also described, which supports positive youth development by working with families, schools, and communities in an effort to steer children away from risky behaviors. The newsletter highlights the events of the 23rd annual commemoration of National Missing Children’s Day held on May 25, 2006 in Washington, DC. The commemoration honors law enforcement personnel and private citizens for outstanding efforts on behalf of missing and exploited children. Another ceremony to honor Missing Children’s Day was held in Arlington, TX, where a new AMBER Alert stamp was unveiled. The newsletter reports on the release of a Mentor Recruitment Kit by the National Network of Youth Ministries and lists summer training opportunities sponsored by OJJDP. The JUVJUST listserv is described, which provides free e-mail notices of the latest juvenile justice and youth-related news, and recent OJJDP funding activities are summarized. Staff news mentions the retirement of two of OJJDP’s longstanding staff members.