This issue features several articles in the field of juvenile justice with focuses on program development, best practices, and upcoming conference announcements and conference updates.
This issue includes seven special feature articles: (1) Plans for Assessing Federal Practice Presented at Coordinating Council Meeting. This article presents summaries of team reports on their work plans for assessing Federal practice in the areas of education and at-risk youth, Tribal youth and juvenile justice, juvenile reentry, and racial and/or ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system. (2) Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)-Led Working Group to Offer Guidance in Developing Disaster Plans for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System. A working group was formulated whose focus was related to the needs of youth in the juvenile justice system during disasters. (3) Mark Your Calendar: Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Conferences Set for August. This article announced OJJDP's 12th Annual National Leadership Conference, "Building Community Futures with Blueprints for Success," held August 18-20, 2010, in California. (4) OJJDP Research to Identify Best Practices for Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC). This article briefly outlines one of OJJDP's field-initiated research grants supporting comprehensive data analysis and identification of the successful strategies for reducing DMC. (5) Youth Participate in OJJDP focus Group at Boys and Girls Club Keystone Conference. This article reviews the discussion held at the Boys and Girls Club of America National Keystone Conference in March 2010 where young people offered their perspectives on the challenges they face and how the Clubs help them meet those challenges. (6) National Juvenile Information Sharing Initiative. This article presents an overview of the OJJDP sponsored initiative to improve information sharing among agencies involved with youth. (7) White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity Releases Action Plan. The Action Plan, released in May 2010, sets the goal of returning to a childhood obesity rate of 5 percent by 2030. Highlighted news updates and new publications are also provided.
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