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Online Victimization of Andaman Jarawa Tribal Women: An Analysis of the 'Human Safari' Youtube Videos (2012) and Its Effects

NCJ Number
British Journal of Criminology Volume: 54 Issue: 4 Dated: July 2014 Pages: 673-688
Debarati Halder; K. Jaishankar
Date Published
July 2014
16 pages
This article examines the victimization effects of videos circulated online by tour operators in Andaman Islands that portray Jarawa tribal women as Black female sex objects in advertising a "Human Safari."
The first part of this article reviews the civil rights provided to the Jarawa as an aboriginal race under the Constitution of India, including their right to privacy as a "particularly vulnerable tribal group" (Government of India, 2013). This section of the article also discusses how the hostile attitude of the Jarawas changed with their connection with the modern world; this change has motivated the tour operators to convert the safari from ecotourism to ethnic tourism. The second part of the article examines the sexual objectification of the Jarawa women; and the third part of the article analyzes the "side effects" of the videos, i.e., the racial and cultural exploitation that was generated by portraying the Jarawa women and culture as a tourist attraction billed as a "Human Safari." The article concludes that unless the "Human Safari" videos are viewed as the online victimization of women, they will continue to attract more online racial and sexual abuse of the Jarawa women. 66 references