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Oregon Board on Police Standards and Training - Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1979-1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
31 pages
Significant accomplishments and relevant data concerning the Oregon Board of Police Standards and Training during fiscal year 1979-80 are presented in this annual report.
The basic goal of the board is to upgrade law enforcement service in Oregon. The report discusses the history of the board, noting that the board was created in August 1961. The board conducts training programs statewide and operates the Oregon Police Academy. The board certifies qualified officers at their level of competence and provides certification of instructors and training programs. The research and management section provides managerial assistance to local agencies and, upon their request, conducts studies and makes recommendations to improve their effectiveness. The report presents information concerning the administration of the board, its budget, standards and certification, research and management services, the Oregon Police Academy, and specialized and regional programs. An organizational chart, photographs, graphs, and tables are included.