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Outline of First Issues Paper: Criminal Procedure

NCJ Number
Date Published
18 pages
This outline of criminal procedures in New South Wales elaborates on the terms of reference; reviews general principles and objectives; focuses on the delays in the Courts of Petty Sessions, their jurisdiction, and some of their procedural problems; and examines the subject of committals for trial.
Focus is on the Courts of Petty Sessions for two main reasons: most of the criminal court work of New South Wales is done in these courts; and their workload at any given time influences the workload of the entire criminal courts systems. Questions are posed to encourage comment and submissions on the principles which underpin, or should underpin, criminal procedure and its reform. These include is the question of the criminal courts system coping adequately with its workload of serious criminal cases; can existing procedures cope adequately with "white collar" and computer crime; is the law relating to criminal procedure readily accessible to those who need to understand the system; and can juries cope with the complex laws they are asked to apply without additional assistance. It is necessary to realize that procedural rules interact with substantive law and with the individuals and organizations which are the agencies though which that law is applied. 1 appendix