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OVC Focus On...2007

NCJ Number
Date Published
October 2008
0 pages
This reference report provides an overview of programs and initiatives funded under the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) for 2007.

Available from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Archive, this reference file provides an overview of the various programs and initiatives funded by OVC in 2007. Highlights of programs and initiatives covered in this report include: American Indian and Alaska Native communities (i.e., VOCA-TVA Working Group, American Indian/Alaska Native Victim Assistance Academy, District-Specific Training Conferences in Indian Country; faith-based organizations and services (i.e., U.S. Crisis Care Network, Helping Outreach Programs to Expand I, Helping Outreach Programs to Expand II); identity theft (i.e., Identity Theft Verification Passport Program, Education, Outreach, and Training); promising practices and demonstration projects (i.e., Federal Symposium: Fourth National Symposium on Victims of Federal Crime, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Mobile Unit, Treasury Offset Program); public education and awareness projects (i.e., National Crime Victims' Rights Week, Youth Outreach for Victim Assistance Field, Oral History Project); technology (i.e., VS2000 System Information Technology Project, Nationwide Automated Victim Information and Notification System, OVC's Web Site; terrorism and mass violence (i.e., OVC Victim and Family Assistance Call Center for Victims of Terrorism and Mass Violence Incidents, Directory of International Crime Victim Compensation Programs, International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program); training, education, and technical assistance (i.e., DNA: Critical Issues for Those Who Work With Victims, State Crime Victim/Survivor Scholarship Program, OVC Professional Development Scholarship Program); victims' rights (i.e., National Crime Victim Law Institute, Database of Federal, State, and Tribal Victims' Rights Laws); and victim services (i.e., Services for Trafficking Victims, Victim Reunification Travel Program: Addressing International Parental Child Abduction Cases).