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Overview of Colorado Promis (Prosecutor's Management Information System)

NCJ Number
Date Published
28 pages
This report describes the capabilities, content, uses, and costs of the Prosecutor's Management Information System (PROMIS) being used in Colorado.
PROMIS is a computer network operation that is used to collect, share, and report a broad range of data for prosecutors. PROMIS is used for online inquiries, calendaring and scheduing, case aging and status reports, screening unit support, case and defendant ratings, and case-tracking support. Other uses include witness management through printing subpoenas and responding to witness inquiries, the maintenance of case histories, disposition reporting, forms generation, the production of statistical reports, and the production of other reports to meet specific information needs. The PROMIS data base includes case information, offense information, scheduling information, event information, victim/witness information, information on police officers in each case, defendant/child information, the charge and disposition, and information on defendant activity. Other information covers bail activity, sentencing data, the parent or guardian of a child, docket information, active diversion programs, and informal adjustment programs. The system's costs include network affiliation fees, equipment and maintenance fees, and internal operating costs. Data base elements for each information category, a sample of a case inquiry, and a checklist for determining total costs are provided.