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Painting the Current Picture: Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts Brief

NCJ Number
Kristen Devall; Christina Lanier; Lindsay J. Baker
Date Published
May 2023
90 pages

This paper reports results from the 2019 Painting the Current Picture: A National Report on Treatment Courts in the United States, including three areas to be addressed: data collection and management needs, treatment court equity and inclusion, and enhanced focus on stimulants as drugs of use and concern, with specific attention to juvenile drug treatment courts.


Results from the 2019 Painting the Current Picture: A National Report on Treatment Courts in the United States revealed three areas to be addressed: data collection and management needs, treatment court equity and inclusion, and enhanced focus on stimulants as drugs of use and concern. This brief provides analysis focused on juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTCs) and indicates areas needing improvement. The 2019 issue of the Painting the Current Picture: A National Report on Treatment Courts in the United States (PCP) provides an in-depth analysis of treatment court programs across the United States conducted by the National Drug Court Resource Center (NDCRC) at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW), a detailed snapshot of the treatment court field in the United States, and a synopsis of the most recent scholarly literature on treatment courts. Data collected shed light on trends and changes in findings obtained over time. Summaries of the extant literature for each treatment court type include a brief overview of the history and structure, best practice standards, guiding principles, effectiveness and cost-benefit findings, and directions for enhancing practitioner knowledge and capacity. New to the 2019 PCP monograph is the organization of information by treatment court type. Trends emerge through examination of data by program type and age group served.