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Parole Decision Making in Colorado

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Dated: (1986) Pages: 147-155
M R Pogrebin; E D Poole; R M Regoli
Date Published
9 pages
During the past decade parole decisionmaking in the United States has come under severe scrutiny. One response has been for researchers to intervene and develop parole guideline matrices for use by state parole boards.
The research reported here describes such an effort in Colorado. Our data were derived from the records of 292 parolees during a two year period. A systematic sampling process, taking every other docket number from the parole board's monthly eligibility lists, initially produced 1,500 potential parolees. From this list, a 20 percent sample was drawn at random. This yielded a workable guideline matrix that produced less than 13 percent variance from Colorado parole board decisions. The article discusses the procedures for developing the matrix and how it was implemented by the parole board. (Author abstract)