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Personal Crime Against Women: Evidence From the 1982 British Crime Survey

NCJ Number
Howard Journal Volume: 25 Issue: 2 Dated: (May 1986) Pages: 118-124
A Worrall; K Pease
Date Published
7 pages
The concerns of feminist and radical writers for women as victims of crime are set out. Their criticisms of quantitative work in general and the British Crime Survey in particular are mentioned.
Data are presented from the survey showing that women victims of personal crime disproportionately suffer at the hands of people they know well, and of husbands especially. Such crimes are reported to the police less than crimes against males, and this is shown not to be an artefact of the degree of injury caused. The paper's purpose is to show that survey data, with all their imperfections, can be used to address the issues of concern. (Author abstract)