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Planning Community-Based Facilities for Violent Juvenile Offenders as Part of a System of Graduated Sanctions

NCJ Number
Shelley Zavick M.ed.
Date Published
August 2005
39 pages
For the limited population of serious, violent, and/or chronic juvenile offenders, smaller, community-based or regional facilities can provide secure confinement economically and with the best possible outcomes for the youth; this bulletin presents basic information on planning such facilities.
Following a brief review of juvenile arrest and incarceration trends, the bulletin discusses the advantages of small, secure, community-based or regional facilities. Programmatic advantages involve keeping young offenders close to and connected to their families and communities, as well as targeting sanctions and services to meet the needs of specific jurisdictions and offender categories. Economic advantages of such facilities are in the areas of facility operations, recidivism reduction, and facility construction. Systemwide advantages relate to improvement in the entire continuum of services and sanctions for at-risk and delinquent youth in the community. Community-based services are accessible to youth while they are still in custody. Following this overview of the advantages of such facilities, this bulletin describes a process for developing these facilities within a comprehensive juvenile justice system master plan. Master planning requires that juvenile justice agencies and civic authorities know the populations their system services; select the best approaches for meeting the needs of youth and the community based on clearly defined values and goals; and actively plan for all essential services and programs, addressing such issues as funding, staffing, and space needs. The information compiled and analyzed in the assessment is developed into a master plan that encompasses the design, use, capacity, and cost of a coordinated system of juvenile justice sanctions and services. The description of the facility development process encompasses building a foundation for planning, developing the facility master plan, the design phase, the construction phase, and transition and occupancy. 46 references