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Police Handling of Juveniles: Developing Model Programs of Response

NCJ Number
D J Kenney; A M Pate; E Hamilton
Date Published
114 pages
This phase of the study examines current practices in the police handling of juvenile offenders so as to identify innovative ideas, strategies, and efforts that might be integrated to form a model program.
The study reviewed the literature, consulted with experts, surveyed police agencies, and conducted program site visits. Some of the innovative programs identified are in the areas of the police decision to arrest juveniles, case information gathering, feedback to parents, support for prosecution, selection for diversion, the provision of diversion programs, feedback from diversion programs, feedback to patrol officers, and interagency cooperation. A summary of model program ideas notes the need for strategic planning in any effort to develop a model program of police responses to juveniles. Such strategic planning involves obtaining information on relevant issues and problems that affect each juvenile justice component, the development of common goals, and the promotion of action planning for the development of local strategies. Other aspects of the development of a model program are information review and the identification of needs, analysis of relevant data, interagency approaches to decisionmaking, participatory development and support of diversion, and the use of feedback. Appended study forms and protocol.