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Police Hiring Supplement: Quarterly Progress Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
7 pages
This Quarterly Progress Report for the San Antonio Police Department's Police Hiring Supplement project covers the period from October 1, 1996, to November 30, 1996, and focuses on progress to date in implementing its community policing strategy.
The grant amount is $3,000,000. The report notes that the community policing philosophy has become more ingrained in the fabric of the department and the community. Officers assigned full-time community policing duties have become more proficient at problemsolving and accessing the many resources available in the city. In October the Department implemented a new concept in responding to domestic violence. Officer/civilian counselor teams focus on repeat domestic violence calls and follow-up work that frees district patrol officers to attend to other calls. In preparing to close this grant, the Department established a separate activity in its General Fund budget to track the officers hired under the grant. Community policing officers continue to work closely with other city departments and a host of community organizations. Some significant successes reported include problemsolving efforts that focused on problems at a local school, neighborhood decay, and abandoned houses close to a public housing area. Other successful programs have been the creation of a Mountain Bike Club, police-sponsored mentoring programs, and the use of nuisance-abatement officers to conduct bar checks in the community. Data are provided on law enforcement activity (reports, arrests, traffic offenses, and citizen contacts) and on the officers involved in community policing.


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