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Police Image - An Analysis of Causes and Cures

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics Volume: 1 Issue: 2-3 Dated: (June-September 1981) Pages: 146-151
R D Singh
Date Published
6 pages
A limited public survey (65 respondents from various social strata) revealed that police have a poor public image in India. This article discusses factors that would explain this negative perception of the police.
Respondents (63 percent) felt that there was political control over the police and most did not recognize a legal or moral responsibility to inform or assist the police in their crime control efforts. Additional charges were police officer rudeness to citizens, corruption, and harassment and brutality toward suspects. Among the factors giving rise to this unfavorable public image are the unpopularity inherent in the police job, the authoritarian police command structure, and the close linkage between the police and the political system. Police control of social disturbances, the misbehavior of individual officers, impacts of liberal and permissive education, and police callousness from constant exposure to vice and frustration are additional contributing factors. Better media relations, self-introspection and internal disciplinary measures, as well as improved recruitment, training, and research are needed to remedy the situation. Five references are given.