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Police Investigation of Chile -- New Reflections on Terrorism and Terrorism in America: International Connections

NCJ Number
F P Pizzarro
Date Published
66 pages
This study examines the execution of terrorism, terrorism in Chile, the ideological forces acting in terrorism, and terrorism in America.
The historic origins of terrorism are discussed, with the roots of terrorism being found in the actions of Robespierre during the French Revolution. Terrorism has several characteristics, such as security, secrecy, planned surprise action, and careful maintenance of weapons. Terrorism in Chile is discussed. Techniques used by terrorists in Chile and principal terrorist acts are reported on. There are ideological forces that are active in fomenting terrorism, such as the press, intimidation, external political involvement, and economic pressures. Acts of terrorism in South America, as well as the international connection of terrorist groups, is explored. Arms transport by South American extremists are delineated. The author concludes that terrorism that affects Latin America derives its origin and support mainly from the USSR. Appendix, tables.


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