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Police Officer Manual - Ninth Edition

NCJ Number
G P Rodrigues
D Potter
Date Published
554 pages
This manual for police officers defines offenses under Canadian law, states the limitation period under which offenders can be prosecuted for each offense listed, describes the evidence required to convict in each offense, and states the punishment.
The above information is given for hundreds of offenses, including abduction, breaking and entering, contributing to juvenile delinquency, disorderly conduct, firearms offenses, homicide, motor vehicle offenses, sexual offenses, theft, and treason. Latin terms used by the court are also defined, as are legal doctrines and procedures. Trial jurisdiction in some cases is also delineated, and the charge forms police are to complete for each offense are explained. For instance, for the offense of disorderly conduct, the manual defines 10 forms of disorderly conduct (i.e., indecent act, nudity, indecent exhibition, trespassing at night, etc.) and for each explains the offense, the limitation period, the punishment, the evidence required, and the form of the police report.


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