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Police Officers A to Z

NCJ Number
J Johnson
Date Published
46 pages
This children's book uses photographic illustrations and brief commentary to portray the roles, procedures, equipment, training, and private lives of police officers and some civilian law enforcement personnel.
The law enforcement roles described include accident and crime investigation, fingerprinting, canine work, mounted policing, security checks, car and foot patrol, conflict resolution, traffic direction, and youth education. The equipment portrayed consists of clipboard, briefcase, flashlight, baton, gun, handcuffs, radio, walkie-talkie, vehicles (boats, planes, motorcycles, and cars), and a zone map. The commentary explains how each piece of equipment is used. Other topics reviewed are the uniform, an officer's family life, law, jail, police academy training, personnel selection, x-ray, and the badge. A brief narrative summary of police functions concludes the book.