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Police Strategy No. 3: Driving Drug Dealers Out of New York

NCJ Number
Date Published
29 pages
Procedures implemented by the New York Police Department (NYPD) to eliminate drug dealers and to reclaim and hold targeted geographic areas of the city are described.
The NYPD aims to prioritize and target areas where neighborhood infrastructure (schools, business districts, transit, and housing) is in jeopardy due to drug dealers, to use Strategic Narcotics and Gun (SNAG) teams against both drug and gun dealers in targeted areas, and to focus all NYPD personnel to act against any illegal activity they witness or hear through a complaint. The NYPD also seeks to strengthen cases against felony drug offenders and link them with outstanding violent crimes, to prioritize drug and gun-related warrants and parole and probation violations in target areas, and to expand civil enforcement efforts to close commercial and residential facilities where illegal activity has occurred. The nature of the drug problem in New York City is characterized, with emphasis on crack cocaine. The effectiveness of Operation Pressure Point in addressing the blatant street sale of drugs, especially heroin, is discussed. NYPD policies are detailed that give police patrols responsibility for targeting and ultimate success, refocus police patrols and practices, refocus Narcotics Division personnel and practices, expand and coordinate drug seizure activity, re- energize law enforcement against high-level drug activity, improve police training, and build working partnerships. 1 figure


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