NCJ Number
Police Studies Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1990) Pages: 47-56
Date Published
10 pages
Over the past 20 years, Britain has developed a successful program of police training to deal with ethnic relations.
Background on Britain's ethnic diversity and the role of the police are provided. Increasing racial tensions led to the development of police training programs, and this training was relied upon as the major means of resolving such tensions. When it became apparent that reliance upon training alone was insufficient, a more systematized approach to race relations training was adopted. Effective training on race relations must have the full support of management and must form a clear strategic policy commitment from the organization. The rationale for such training then takes on a more positive tone for implementing the policy of the organization and promoting professionalism within the force. Key lessons learned from the British experience are summarized, and the various training courses offered are described briefly. 14 references