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Population Projections Based on the National Survey on Drug Abuse, 1982

NCJ Number
Date Published
40 pages
Intended as a companion publication to two other publications on the 1982 National Survey on Drug Abuse - The National Survey on Drug Abuse: Main Findings 1982 and a smaller volume of survey highlights - this report presents population projections that express drug-use prevalence in terms of the approximate numbers of persons who ever used each drug , the number of persons who used the drug during the past year, and the numbers who used drugs during the month prior to the interview.
These projections are based on combining percentage estimates of drug-use prevalence taken from the National Survey with U.S. Census data on the number of persons in various population groups based on demographic characteristics. Survey respondents consisted of the household U.S. population ages 12 and older. The drugs encompassed by the survey were marijuana, hallucinogens, cocaine, heroin, stimulants, sedatives, tranquilizers, analgesics, alcohol, and cigarettes. For each drug, the total populations that have "ever used," "used in the past year," or "used in the past month" are presented by three age groups: ages 12-17, ages 18-25, and ages 26 and over. For the total populations using each drug, the age groups are further refined to 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, 18-21, 22-25, 26-34, and 35 and over. For each of the three time frames of use, the use of each drug is shown by the three age groups according to the demographic features of sex, race, region of residence, and educational level. Some precautions in interpreting and using the data are discussed. Extensive figures


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