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Post Institutional Treatment of Offenders: An Overview of After-Care Services in India

NCJ Number
Social Defence Volume: 23 Issue: 87 Dated: (January 1987) Pages: 15-23
S P Srivastava
Date Published
9 pages
This paper surveys the problems and prospects for aftercare programs and services for adult and juvenile ex-offenders in India.
A definition of aftercare services emphasizes that they should help ex-offenders rebuild a social position of self-respect and help them settle down as law-abiding citizens. Barriers to social reintegration are described, such as social stigma, lack of social supports, and financial problems. Characteristics of effective aftercare services are outlined, based on the Model Prison Manual. The paper describes the establishment of such services in India in the 1920s by voluntary workers and social philanthropists. Also discussed are government policies regarding aftercare, problems faced by discharged offenders aid organizations today, and factors that thwart aftercare work of correctional institutions. Reasons underlying the current crisis in aftercare services are explored. Pessimistic predictions are given for the future of aftercare services for offenders. 20 references.