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Practical Burglary Investigation

NCJ Number
H T O'Reilly
Date Published
52 pages
Recognizing that the investigation of burglaries places a severe drain upon the resources of a police agency, this handbook provides some practical guidance on burglary investigation for the contemporary professional.
Several chapters describe burglary victimization and techniques, burglar tactics, and specific actions used by burglars along with the usual police reactions. Additional chapters focus on field stops and interviews, responding to burglary calls, conducting the complainant interview, solvability factors, the report form, burglary evidence, neighborhood canvassing, prevention, anti-burglary tactics, the prisoner debriefing system, and property recovery. The responding officer is in a position to offer comfort and support to victims while simultaneously taking responsibility for the practical aspects of the investigation. Considerate and sensitive handling enables the victim to regain a sense of control and facilitates the development of a cooperative police/complainant relationship which is necessary to successful investigation. Techniques which may be used by both responding and investigating officers are outlined. 2 appendixes