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Predictive and Concurrent Validity of the Jesness Inventory Asocial Index - When Does a Delinquent Become a Delinquent?

NCJ Number
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Volume: 49 Issue: 5 Dated: (October 1981) Pages: 740-742
S A Graham
Date Published
3 pages
Asocial Index scores of three male juvenile delinquent groups and one male nondelinquent control group were analyzed.
Incarcerated offenders scored higher than all other groups and were more frequently classified as delinquent using cutoff scores. Probationers scored higher than controls but were not significantly higher in frequency of delinquency classifications. The unadjudicated juvenile intake group did not differ from controls, but those who became adjudicated offenders within 1 year scored higher than those who did not and were more frequently classified as delinquent. (Publisher abstract)