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Preparing Schools for Terrorist Attacks

NCJ Number
School Safety Dated: (Winter 1991) Pages: 18-19
Date Published
2 pages
This article outlines a plan and strategy that prepares schools for terrorist attacks.

School administrators should have plans and take actions, both immediately and over the long term, to protect students and school staff against an intruder or terrorist armed with a gun or bomb. Plans should include the creation of a clear chain of command, the identification of a command post, the appointment of a crisis response team, the assignment of roles to staff, the creation of a communications plan, and the control of access points. During particularly threatening times, such as the Persian Gulf War, school security and surveillance should be increased. Other actions may include the review of legal codes relating to school safety crisis management and emergency operations, the development of a media access policy, the establishment of a warning signal, the preparation of an emergency kit, and the development of an evacuation plan. School administrators should prepare students, solicit parent participation, offer counseling, create a law enforcement liaison, review districtwide emergency policies, and provide in-service training. Annual school safety audits should also be conducted. 4 additional resources